Events & Meetings

Alpha Course

Have you got questions about life? Are you not sure where to turn or what your purpose may be? The Alpha course allows you to get the answers to life’s biggest questions with others who are as curious as you. Click the button below to find out more about how you can get the answers.

Every Monday from 6th January 2025 at 7:30pm - 

First Steps

Have you recently given your life to Jesus and don’t know where to start walking in your Christian faith? Make sure you’re taking the right steps by coming along to First Steps, a fellowship dedicated to building each other up in faith and making long-lasting connections.

Gospel Healing Meeting

Our gospel healing meeting allows us to gather once a month and pray for one another about the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues we are facing. Additionally, this time is extremely powerful, as over the last few years we’ve seen some miraculous work being done by Jesus through this meeting.

Home Groups

We currently run one face to face home group either in Church or in a Members Home. They run every fortnight on a week night – Wednesday 7:30pm. Groups meet socially and then focus on scripture material that they have studied and close in prayer.

Click the button to contact Debbie and receive an invite.

Coffee Morning

The Church opens its doors on Thursday Mornings from 11:00 am each week to approx. 1:00pm. Its a good time to stop for a coffee and a chat. Brian, Debbie & Neil lead this activity and hosts a large group of regular visitors.

For more details contact Brian directly on 07768 478679.

Craft Afternoon

This is a Fellowship Group who meet weekly on Mondays at 1:30pm to 4.00pm at the Church. Their aim is to bring craft activities to do, learn new skills and techniques, and share in the general fun and fellowship of the group. The group also knit for common causes. creating products e.g. woolly hats for Mariners, and blankets for premature babies. Refreshments and cakes are served each meeting and from the money collected at various meetings they donate to charity. Naomi House was a recent recipient of such a gift.

Jiggles & Joy

This is a parent and toddler group that meets in Church on Friday mornings from 9:30am to 11:30am during School Term time. It enables Parents to meet with others whilst their pre-school children meet with new friends and play in a safe and stimulating environment. Light refreshments and appropriate snacks are also served. The Group is run by Debbie Couzens with a strong team behind her.

Social Events & Activities

We host a multitude of social activities and events for the general public, along with the members of the church too. These events range from musical events to film events and much more. That being said, the main aim of these events is to bond and build stronger relationships within the community.