The Ingredients To Alpha Course

We meet in the Church Building in a face to face meeting. Firstly, we relax with refreshments and some cakes and get to know one another. Once the groups have been running a few weeks there is a growing friendship with one another. As a result, catching up and sharing news becomes the major part of this first part of each week. Alpha is an opportunity to explore life’s big questions together in an open, informal environment.

We then run through one episode of the course each week. Three episodes covering the topic of the Holy Spirit are presented on a Saturday event. For 2024 this will be Sat 19th October 9:30 am - 3:30 pm.
Introduction to Alpha - Is there more to life than this?
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus die?
How can I have Faith?
When and How do I pray?
When and How should I read the Bible?
How does God guide us?
Introduction to the Saturday Teaching on the Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What does the Holy Spirit do?
How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
How can I make the most of the rest of my life?
How can I resist evil?
When and How should I tell others?
Does God Heal today?
What about the Church? - Final Session.

Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to spark conversation which will be guided by hosts and helpers from your host church. Warsash United Reformed Church is hosting an Alpha Course in 2024, the starting date for this course is from Monday 2nd September and it ends on the 25th November. You are free to come along on the night and join in even if the course has started, it is never too late.