Gospel Healing Meeting

We are currently praying for people with cancer, depression, back, neck, limb and abdominal pains as well as obstacles to healing or to getting progress in something that is otherwise at a stalemate. 

Examples of this last one covers those waiting for new job, appointments for treatment, access to dental treatment. 

Each week there is a list of folks who are prayed for and some of the feedback is given below.

We’ve had folks find new jobs, get appointments for treatment and access to treatment when the way forward was blocked.


We also regularly pray for folks to hear and respond to the Gospel message. Many believers have family members who are not in faith, praying for them is a powerful way to bring them before God.


If you have a prayer need then you can come to the meeting yourself. Alternatively, you can send us details of who to pray for and what we are being asked to pray for to either:


info@warsashurc.com or prayer@warsashurc.com

What Happens In These Meetings?


These are held on the First Sunday of each month in the evenings.

What Time?

It starts at 6:30pm

How Does It Start?

We open with a time of worship and then follows a short talk introducing Jesus and his ministry.

How Does It Finish?

The meeting closes when

all have been prayed for and we sing a final song.
Afterwards there is an opportunity to share refreshments together.

When Does It Finish?

The service finishes at 8:30pm and then we head downstairs for refreshments.