Our Afilliations

The United Reformed Church

Our area grouping includes URC Churches in our immediate locality on the Western boundary stretching eastwards to Havant, Northwards to Oxford and Southwards to the Isle of Wight.


We are also members of the Group for Evangelism and Renewal (GEAR) within the URC.

GEAR - The Renewal Movement Serving The United Reformed Church

We are a voluntary network of Christians who long to see evangelism and renewal become part of the heartbeat of our denomination.
We are convinced that effective ministry and fruitful mission can happen only under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we work and pray for personal and corporate renewal, looking to see individuals and churches move into a deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ.
GEAR invests personnel and resources, actively participating in the life of the Church through:

For more details please visit their websites below:




Kingdom Faith Church - Horsham

Many of our young people have attended the Bible College at Roffey Place in Horsham and the Church runs the Freedom Course in partnership with  Kingdom Faith. KFM teams bring teaching at various seminars through the year in our Church on a variety of topics.

For more details please click the button below

Southampton Street Pastors

We support them through the year in a variety of ways and some of our members participate in street patrols.


Southampton Street Pastors are a charitable company (Comp. No. 7292166 & Charity No. 1137759) that has 100 Christian volunteers drawn from over 50 churches in and around Southampton. In Southampton we have been operating since 2009.


We operate under license from Ascension Trust and are part of a countrywide (and international) network operating in nearly 300 towns and cities in the UK and abroad.